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Chairs Sold
Trusted by
Posturesure™ seating system
To ensure our customers receive un-rivalled support and comfort, we’ve developed the Posturesure™ seating system with Tri-Foam. Our goal is to counter-act back pain by providing stable body support and promote correct posture. We are proud to deliver a product design that eliminates fatigue, discomfort and pain.
The Posturesure™ weight balance synchro mechanism accomodates all body sizes, easily adjustable to suit different users of the same chair and tilts in a forward motion to enable correct seated posture.
World’s first personalisation concept for ergonomic chairs allowing customers to select from over 20,000 options.
Designed and tested for the highest commercial standards required in each region around the world.
Peace of mind
Our products come with warranties up to 15 years and backed by strong after sales service team located in Australia.
Pago’s manufacturing facilities are all SEDEX compliant, and materials used are sustainably sourced.
Work It Your Way
Whether you're a blue kinda guy or you exude purple pizzazz, there's an option for every personality. Design your own ergonomic office chair with over 1,600+ colour combinations, exclusively at Officeworks.
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